I’ve increased my regimen to 7 times per week. gotta get that beach body, and I have a goal. If you start working on it in the summer, you’re already too late.
After a while, you start noticing the same people at the gym. that crazy Indian guy doing that reverse ab side crunch on the pull up bar (hard to explain, you just gotta see it), the black guy with 4 plates on the bench (show off), the old grandpa still curling with the 20’s, the girl on the treadmill with the “Seniors” T-shirt (I think she’s 27), plus the usual suspects.
We have the usual’s at church too. We see the same 5 people serving at VBS, the same 4 attending the prayer meeting, the same 6 on the praise team, the same 3 raising funds for the homeless. You can expect them to be there the next time you go to church.
Being at church is no guarantee for progress; just like I see a few people at the gym with the wrong form, those who “cheat”, that guy who spends more time watching the TV than on his lat pull downs, the old Chinese lady who’s just there for the jacuzzi. But for the most part, the people who are there are the people who want to grow. they want progress. Of course, what you do outside the gym is just as important – a steady diet of proteins (Bible), cutting out the fat (sin). However, those who are active at church (gym), are those you see growing. And when comes time to flex that faith, no need to worry. It’ll be like a day at the beach.
Pastor Jason
After a while, you start noticing the same people at the gym. that crazy Indian guy doing that reverse ab side crunch on the pull up bar (hard to explain, you just gotta see it), the black guy with 4 plates on the bench (show off), the old grandpa still curling with the 20’s, the girl on the treadmill with the “Seniors” T-shirt (I think she’s 27), plus the usual suspects.
We have the usual’s at church too. We see the same 5 people serving at VBS, the same 4 attending the prayer meeting, the same 6 on the praise team, the same 3 raising funds for the homeless. You can expect them to be there the next time you go to church.
Being at church is no guarantee for progress; just like I see a few people at the gym with the wrong form, those who “cheat”, that guy who spends more time watching the TV than on his lat pull downs, the old Chinese lady who’s just there for the jacuzzi. But for the most part, the people who are there are the people who want to grow. they want progress. Of course, what you do outside the gym is just as important – a steady diet of proteins (Bible), cutting out the fat (sin). However, those who are active at church (gym), are those you see growing. And when comes time to flex that faith, no need to worry. It’ll be like a day at the beach.
Pastor Jason