About Pastor JasonPastor Jason is the Lead Pastor of La Habra Christian Church, and he is passionate about reaching people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He does that by using the many tools available in the 21st century. Through blogs, twitter, instagram, and youtube videos, he reaches the millennial generation. But primarily, he reaches people through the classic art of speaking. He is a popular conference/retreat speaker and has preached in over 20 different countries. He is a popular speaker in California, but he has also done conferences in Texas and New York.
His presentations may include some multimedia and contemporary references, but the content of his messages are explicitly Christ-centered and Biblically exegetical. His illustrations stem mostly from his life experiences around the world, full of humor and depth of insight. In association with Youth Specialties, he also does leadership training and teachers training for those in church leadership and youth ministry. After graduating from UC Berkeley, he worked as a civil engineer for 2 years. When he was called into the ministry, he quit his job and went to Westminster Theological Seminary. Since then, he has been involved in many different types of ministries for the past 20 years. He is currently the Lead Pastor at La Habra Christian Church, a multi-ethnic community. He is married to Michelle, with 2 kids, Kobe and Chloe. His hobbies include shooting pool, writing, and auto mechanics. For Pastor Jason's sermons, click below: or visit his church website. No Fool Let's Go Fishing Repaint! and Be Restored Be Patient The Dance Voice of God Sushi Knife The Crazy Truth Kings Worship a Baby Body Parts How to Get Super Powers Foolish Call Why Did You Doubt? Why Are You So Afraid? What Am I Worth? (from Ruth series) I Want to Know You Epic Cooking Holy Holy Holy For his Youtube channel: www.youtube.com/user/pastorjasonanswers |