A trainer had reserved the deadlift area for 10 am so I only had 10 minutes to do that exercise, which meant no lazy waiting around between sets. There was no time to waste, and I had a really good workout.
I think that's the reason I'm always hustling. Uber. Acting. Youtube. Pastor. Travel Agency. From undercover interviews to driving at the Gay Pride Parade to street race meetups to visiting high schools to car shows. I don't do it for the money. But time's a tickin.
There's only a limited number of days before my name is called up to heaven. There's only so much I could do while I'm here on earth, so I'm trying to make the most of it. There are so many people to reach with the gospel, and different people do it in different ways. This is my way of using the 'talents' and opportunities God has given me. and I want to tell God, "I gave it my best" when my time is up.
It's probably not the best way to live the Christian life, because God doesn't give us that kind of pressure. It's not like he's tallying points every time someone is saved. And I don't always do it right. I make mistakes. But when I worked as an EMT on an ambulance, I learned that it's about doing everything you possibly can, even if it's not always right, because it could save a life.
But it's like Jesus is more chill than I am. I’m not superstitious, and I don’t see God under every rock, but I’m prettty sure God wished me a happy birthday.
I started driving Uber around 10p, 2 hours before my birthday. Every ride had interesting characters, which is what I pray for almost everyday. As the minutes counted down, 3 cute girls get in the car. They’re going to a club to celebrate a birthday. It’s Britney’s birthday in a few minutes. It got interesting when I told her I had the same birthday! We had some fun talks, and then as the clock struck midnight, she prayed a prayer for all of in the car. After she prayed, I told them that I’m a pastor – they’re like wow! We all agreed that this isn’t just coincidence, and I prophesied about their night and the people they might meet.
It was just cool how I ended up praying during the first couple minutes of my birthday. and I wasn’t even planning on it. I got prayed over, and God was among us my first few minutes of my birthday. Then I ended up near the Gay Pride Parade and picked up these gay dudes in their bikinis. They said they were actually celebrating an anniversary of June 11 of a funny story – their friend poo'ed himself at a club, literally, and today was the anniversary of that. a lot of funny jokes and laughter ensued in that ride. It’s like God was wishing me a happy birthday, even giving me a comedy break, and a wisdom break, saying “No matter how hard this year gets, at least you didn’t poo yourself in front of everyone!” Words to live by.
Then I got back home at 1 am, to see my son and daughter sleeping. my wife doing something. and yeah, I have a great life, especially with these 3 right here. But the purpose of life is not about enjoying a great life. I got work to do, and only 10 minutes to do it. Time's a tickin.
I think that's the reason I'm always hustling. Uber. Acting. Youtube. Pastor. Travel Agency. From undercover interviews to driving at the Gay Pride Parade to street race meetups to visiting high schools to car shows. I don't do it for the money. But time's a tickin.
There's only a limited number of days before my name is called up to heaven. There's only so much I could do while I'm here on earth, so I'm trying to make the most of it. There are so many people to reach with the gospel, and different people do it in different ways. This is my way of using the 'talents' and opportunities God has given me. and I want to tell God, "I gave it my best" when my time is up.
It's probably not the best way to live the Christian life, because God doesn't give us that kind of pressure. It's not like he's tallying points every time someone is saved. And I don't always do it right. I make mistakes. But when I worked as an EMT on an ambulance, I learned that it's about doing everything you possibly can, even if it's not always right, because it could save a life.
But it's like Jesus is more chill than I am. I’m not superstitious, and I don’t see God under every rock, but I’m prettty sure God wished me a happy birthday.
I started driving Uber around 10p, 2 hours before my birthday. Every ride had interesting characters, which is what I pray for almost everyday. As the minutes counted down, 3 cute girls get in the car. They’re going to a club to celebrate a birthday. It’s Britney’s birthday in a few minutes. It got interesting when I told her I had the same birthday! We had some fun talks, and then as the clock struck midnight, she prayed a prayer for all of in the car. After she prayed, I told them that I’m a pastor – they’re like wow! We all agreed that this isn’t just coincidence, and I prophesied about their night and the people they might meet.
It was just cool how I ended up praying during the first couple minutes of my birthday. and I wasn’t even planning on it. I got prayed over, and God was among us my first few minutes of my birthday. Then I ended up near the Gay Pride Parade and picked up these gay dudes in their bikinis. They said they were actually celebrating an anniversary of June 11 of a funny story – their friend poo'ed himself at a club, literally, and today was the anniversary of that. a lot of funny jokes and laughter ensued in that ride. It’s like God was wishing me a happy birthday, even giving me a comedy break, and a wisdom break, saying “No matter how hard this year gets, at least you didn’t poo yourself in front of everyone!” Words to live by.
Then I got back home at 1 am, to see my son and daughter sleeping. my wife doing something. and yeah, I have a great life, especially with these 3 right here. But the purpose of life is not about enjoying a great life. I got work to do, and only 10 minutes to do it. Time's a tickin.